靈性肚皮舞的動作起始於身體裡的能量覺醒,然後讓這個"Shakti" (亢達里尼/靈蛇)的能量在身體的中心律動(通常是由肚子開始),接著擴展成曼陀羅的動作,像是圓形、螺旋、曲線、弧線、旋轉、震動......接著,能量迴流會開始環繞這整個空間。這不只是一種舞蹈,並不拘泥於形式,它是一種能量對話,與舞者自身、與觀眾、與大地和宇宙、以及,與任何你想透過身體表達出來的一切。
The Divine Shakti Belly Dance is movement stared from to wake the energy of body, then let the "Shakti" (Kundalini/snake of spirit) energy groove in the body center (usual from belly first) and expansion to create the "Mandala movement" as circle、 spiral、radian、curve、rotation、vibrate、shimmy......then the energy reflux will happen in surround a space. It is not just dance, it is not formalistic, it is an energy conversation with the dancer itself、with the audience、with the Earth mother and Universe father、with anything you would like to expression by energy through body.
When I started to dance like this, I am not me anymore , no anyone else in me, I do not sure what kind action will happen. I am empty, but full of energy. I became a channel as the priestess.
Basic intro 基礎入門-
*Inner Shakti Grooving 內在靈蛇之舞
在這個釋放阻礙的空間裡,我們需要彼此支持,因此班級中的每一位同學都會促進他人的進展,只要妳願意讓自己的能量流動起來,有時會出現情緒淨化的反應,這是當體內靈蛇深度甦醒時很自然的過程,內在的陰性能量有如月光,使浪潮起落,女性的意識與神祕力量在此處集中,彼此共振的頻率將會透過舞蹈中形成一個"Inner moon circle 內在月亮圈圈",這個圈圈是一個安全溫暖的空間,妳可以盡情的感受妳自己,並且釋放,然後在身體裡找到新生的氣息,舞動中覺醒。
Advanced 進階-
*Mandala movement 曼陀羅律動
There are two steps 有兩個階段:
1. Spiral flow 螺旋之流
2. Position of totems 動作圖騰
For performence 表演訓練-
*Create energy reflux 創造能量迴流